Welcome to Edison Consultants


Edison Consultants designed all buildings services and services infrastructure for a new rural hospital and its associated staff accommodation facility. The hospital consists of anemergency department, GOPD, SOPD, Ante Natal Clinic, Post Natal Clinic, Birthing, Operating Theatre, Radiology, Haematology, Laboratory, Dental Clinic, Orthoperiodic Clinic, On Call Rooms, Patient Wards, Isolation Rooms, Intensive Care Unit, Kitchen, Admin Offices, Public Health Building, Visitors Accommodation Building, Mortuary, Staff Accommodation and Infrastructure.

The design was developed through participation in a series of user group workshops with the Ministry of Health and Medical Services with active participation of Divisional Health Managers, Senior Doctors, Specialist Consulting Doctors, Nurses and Laboratory technicians. The design was developed over a four-stage process; concept design, developed design, detail design and tender issue. At each stage we also provided detailed cost plans starting with rates-based budget estimates progressing at each stage with detailed elemental estimates and culminating with actual costs obtained from suppliers and contractors.

We also developed room data sheets to Australian Standards for review by the user group and eventual sign off by the Project Sponsor. We provided detail engineering design for Electrical Services, Electronic Services, Satellite Communications incoming feed, Structured Cabling, Medical gases, LKPG gas, Hydraulics services, air conditioning and ventilation services, fire protection services, medical waste incinerators, domestic and clinic waste, packaged waste water treatment plant, portable water treatment plant, medical gas compressed air, dental air and solar photo voltaic system.

Throughout the project construction we provided regular site inspections (fortnightly and weekly), carrying out testing, commissioning and technical support. We managed the final commissioning process and provided completion certification for the facility.